drawing room: noun; a place where friends come together to withdraw, relax and connect, a salon or parlor
Meet A Single Shampoo: our first 100% carbon-neutral shampoo.
This is not a shampoo. This is our declaration of sustainability.
A Single Shampoo is suitable for everyday use on all hair types, offering gentle cleansing, elasticizing and hydration.
A Single Shampoo represents our best efforts to combine a professional quality formula with the highest-possible levels of sustainability. To achieve this goal, we followed the Sustainable Life Cycle Assessment, a procedure that evaluates every possible impact on natural resources, environment and society, during the entire life cycle of the product.
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Appointment Requests - Product Orders - Color Touch Up Kits
584 Magnolia Avenue
Larkspur, CA 94939open 7 days a week
by appointment415-924-8400
© 2019